Registering On FlashLex
This is the Registration page for version 1.3 of FlashLex. The first thing to do to use FlashLex is register with the service so you can use it for free and get started.
Register with an email address you can use for both verification and subscription notifications. |
Register for FlashLex

Response On Submit: You have successfully submitted your registration form. Look in your email for a verification code and Verify Your Account
You will then be sent an email with the verification code to be used.
Your verification code is 195365.
Register with an email that can be verified using the register form. |
Enter Your Verification Code

You will enter your verification code back at FlashLex /register/verify
Once you have verified your registration is complete.

You are now able to login.
Make sure to verify your email address with AWS when you recieve a request. (see below) |
Verify Your Email for SES
Once you verify you will receive another email from Amazon SES. This email address verification allows Flashlex to send emails to your account.
Please click the included link so we can send you emails to reset your passward if required.
Amazon Web Services – Email Address Verification Request in region US East (N. Virginia)
In that email is a link starting with
Please click this link. Once you do you will be directed to a page congratulating you.

We will NOT use your email address to spam you, we will only send you reminders or warnings related to your paid service. A valid email address that you can receive emails from is required to use FlashLex. |